Any sign within City limits is required to obtain a sign permit before being installed on the business or property.

APPLY for a sign permit HERE.  

The exact requirements for signs can be found in the City sign code . Also provided below are some brochures with graphics to help clarify certain sign requirements.

The building department reviews each sign permit application as well, and may require a building permit depending on the structure of the sign. To talk with the Building department regarding their sign construction and installation requirements, you can call 907-224-4075.


Prohibited Signs
Signs Allowed without Permits

Political Signs

  1. Political signs may not be displayed earlier than 30 days prior to any election
  2. Political signs must be removed 7 days following an election

    (signs displayed for a primary election that are relevant to the following general election may remain displayed between the two elections)

  3. One sign is allowed per property

Political Signs_Commercial   Political Signs_Residential